Geothermal New Installs
Fern Gully Heating And Cooling proudly installs Geostar, Water Furnace and Hydron Module geothermal units.
Let our specialists advise you on the unit that best suits your particular needs.
Let our specialists advise you on the unit that best suits your particular needs.
Fern Gully owner, John DeBok has serviced over 3500 Geothermal units since 1984. John was one of six geothermal experts to represent Ontario during discussions with WaterFurnace Inc and the future of the geothermal world.
The following is a list of some of the commercial installations that John has designed and installed:
- Ashwood Manor Nursing Home, Lambeth, Ontario
- Bkejwanong Children's Centre, Walpole Island
- Bug House, RCAT, Guelph University, Ridgetown Campus
- Glencoe Fire Hall, Glencoe, Ontario
- Oneida Medical Centre, Southwold, Ontario
- Pelee Islander Ferry, Point Pelee, Ontario
- Pickwood Drive, 3 storey condominium, Leamington, Ontario
- Potter's Guild, London, Ontario (revamped)
- Provincial Offences Court Office, Blenheim, Ontario
- Six Nations Polytechnic Institute, Oshweken, Ontario
- Thunderbird Mall, Walpole Island, Ontario
Six Nations Polytechnic Institute
John designed the total Geo system for the Six Nations Polytechnic school. They call it design build. There are 19 units in this building ranging from a 10 ton to at 2 ton geo units
Six Nations Polytechnic Institute geothermal units